There is a lot of preaching and teaching available on the radio and television here in Malawi. The problem is, at best, that it is not Expository Preaching. At worst, it is false and heretical. We are looking to provide an alternative for people tuning in to radio and television by airing weekly Expository Preaching through both mediums. In December, a professional videographer held a two-day training for men who will be involved in the video capture of sermons. Radio broadcasts will begin in February 2024 and TV broadcast in May 2024. He was busy- teaching and preaching almost every day he was in Malawi! Our churches were blessed by an all-day conference helping equip us to combat the Prosperity Gospel that is so prevalent in Malawi. He then spent four days teaching on Biblical Counseling- helping us understand its importance and helping us to both grow in our faith and disciple others.