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    Apologetics and Evangelism Workshop

    Apologetics and Evangelism Workshop

    We were grateful to hold a three-day course on Apologetics and Evangelism at CAPA, led by Chisomo Masambuka, who is currently studying at The Master’s Seminary.

    The audience consisted of CAPA alumni, brothers from our like-minded churches, and a few new faces.

    Chisomo presented an academic overview of apologetics, polemics, and evangelism while taking us through history and the many schools of thought. The thoroughness and depth of the information left the men eager to learn more.

    Through these workshops, CAPA’s relationships with its alumni and those interested in studying at the academy continues to grow. The workshops not only provide excellent training opportunities, but also act as a “sneak peek” of what to anticipate if you study with us. Those who have consistently attended our seminars and conferences express a growing hunger for truth as well as instruction in how to handle God’s Word.

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